When registering in Answeo you can choose between two types of accounts: private and business. Because this choice is irreversible, it is crucial to pick the right type for you (in Answeo each user can only have one private account). The two types differ in the available functionalities – each is suited to a different set of needs of our users. We hope that the following article will provide you with a useful comparison of the differences and abilities of the two types and help you make the right choice.

Private Account

A private account is the perfect pick for most individual Answeo users. Because only users with private accounts have access to the survey response option, you must choose this type if you want to make money as a respondent or participate in survey exchange at Answeo. Moreover, provided that the researcher zone has been activated, this account type also enables its user to add surveys and carry out their own research. This makes it an excellent choice for anyone who values flexibility or who simply wants to have access to survey response.

Business Account

If you want an account purely for research purposes, you may also want to consider choosing a business account. Choosing this account type gives you instant access to all functionalities connected to carrying out survey research, with no need to activate the researcher zone beforehand. What is more, the business account was created especially with the needs of research companies and researchers operating within universities or research institutions in mind. This is why business account users have the additional option to enter invoice details and receive invoices for recharging their account with credits, which are necessary for carrying out survey research.

How to Create an Account

Regardless of which account type you choose, registering with Answeo is simple. With us you won’t have to fill in any long questionnaires to register or spend hours waiting for a confirmation link. All you need to do is go to our website and click the “Register” button. This is where you will be asked to choose the account type. After picking your preferred account type, you will either be asked to fill in a very short respondent profile (private account) or enter invoice details (business account). If you want to learn more about how Answeo works, visit our website or FAQ. You can also take a look at our previous articles, in which we explain how to earn money and carry out your own survey research using our platform.

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See you at Answeo!